3. Basics

This section covers the most basic concepts in pyand

3.1. Devices

You can easily use adb to get a list of the currently connected devices.:

>> from pyand import ADB
>> adb = ADB()
>> adb.get_devices()
{0: '12601aabbccdd124', 1: 'abc1551124de1241'}

Notice how get_devices() returns a dictionary with an index and the device identifier.

3.2. Setting a target device

In order to interact with a device you need to tell pyand which device you want to interact with. You do this by specifying either the device index from the dictionary returned from get_devices() or by the device id.:

>> adb.get_devices()
{0: '12601aabbccdd124', 1: 'abc1551124de1241'}
>> adb.set_target_by_id(1)
[+] Target device set: abc1551124de1241
>> adb.set_target_by_name('abc1551124de1241')
[+] Target device set: abc1551124de1241

3.3. Getting device state

Note how that dictionary returned by get_devices() does not indicate the state of the device(s). You can use get_state() for that. Remember to set a device target first.:

>> adb.get_state()